Read my dispatch for the New York Times’ Headway Initiative about the discovery of oil in Guyana, its echoes of a colonial past and the questions about climate and energy futures that it begs.

“The world is at a critical juncture, and Guyana sits at the intersection. The country of my birth is a tiny speck on the planet, but the discovery of oil there has cracked open questions of giant significance. How can wealthy countries be held to account for their promises to move away from fossil fuels? Can the institutions of a fragile democracy keep large corporations in check? And what kind of future is Guyana promising its citizens as it places bets on commodities that much of the world is vowing to make obsolete?”
And read “Geopolitics, in First Person,” my short essay for Nieman Reports, about the editorial and ethical decision to weave myself into the story as a first-person narrator.